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 Woburn Sportman's Association

155 MIddlesex Turnpike.
Bedford MA 01730

Driving Directions

From Interstate 95 (Rt 128) take Exit 32 to Middlesex Turnpike. Proceed north to third traffic light, and turn right to remain on Middlesex Trnpk. (If you do not turn right here, a jog in the road will redirect you past the Sun Campus to Rt 62 near Rt 3. If you unitentionally find yourself here, turn right on Rt 62 to get back to the Middlesex Turnpike which is at the first traffic light with Mitre Corp. on the left and then turn left on the Middlesex Trnpk.) Continue north about 1.5 miles passing "The Center" on your right, cross the Shawsheen River and nearly opposite Oak Park Drive turn right into WSA parking lot. WSA is approximately 3.5 miles north of Interstate 95.

 Woburn Sportman's Association 
WSA Map1

 Woburn Sportman's Association 
WSA Map2

"Old Glory"


A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

site map Last updated:_  9/18/05